Holistic regulation and harmonization of all levels of consciousness
The new type of bio-resonance, which takes into account the spiritual, psychic and somatic area. The regulation takes place in the biogenic information area
There are used three different frequency band passes, which runs can be individually controlled to allow optimal regulation of various problem areas is guaranteed. It was founded by experts who have many years of experience in psychoenergetic regulation process. This includes Wolfgang Bucher, Hermann Grösser.
Special features of Bucher Bioresonance Triselect- control of all important functions on screen
- Tuner with input and output range
- Psychophysiological coupling via contact electrodes for testing and regulation
- Slot for magnetic cards
- Two hand electrodes
- Stochastic Resonance regulation on focus entering
- Prefabricated regulation programs by indication
- Three defined frequency passports with adjustable Continuous Flow velocity
- setting for Rapid Standard and Soft regulation
- combined with other modules of Bucher Coaching Systems